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Power Up with Split Peas

Split peas might not be the star of your pantry, but they’re packed with amazing benefits waiting to be discovered!

Power Up with Split Peas

January 24, 2025

Split peas might not be the star of your pantry, but they’re packed with amazing benefits waiting to be discovered!

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Resolutions for a Healthy 2021

January 03, 2021

At UGA SNAP-Ed, we believe small changes can lead to big results. However, sometimes it can be hard to know where to start.

Advice for Holiday Cooks

December 13, 2020

Whether you are a first-time cook or a seasoned pro, holiday cooking can be intimidating. This busy time of the year can come with its fair share of stressors– we don’t want cooking to be one of them!

6 Healthful Holiday Tips

December 08, 2020

The holidays are full of our festive favorites like pies and holiday drinks. Sometimes healthful options, like fruits and vegetables, aren’t as available during the holidays. If you’re looking for ways to make your holiday more healthful, try these tips.

Meal Planning Steps for Success

December 03, 2020

Meal planning saves time and reduces stress at the end of a long day. It is also a great way to reduce food waste and make the healthy choice the easy choice. We’re revisiting a classic Food eTalk video, Tips for Planning Menus, to bring you our best meal planning blog yet! Keep reading for our steps to success.

Stay Active with These Exercise Ideas

December 01, 2020

As the seasons change, maintaining a good exercise routine is hard. The weather is cooler. The sun sets earlier. And with the whole family home, it can be harder to sneak away for a full workout. 

The Evidence on Elderberries

November 22, 2020

Elderberries are a hot topic in the colder months of the year. But what makes these berries so special?