Looking for a healthy meal? Try these simple stuffed bell peppers as they are a good source of fiber, low in calories, and high in water [1] which help satisfy hunger.
This recipe uses a blender to amp up the flavor and make leftover greens and beans new again. The result is a fiber-rich dip that brings color to sandwiches, chips, and more!
Whether you are searching for a delicious accompaniment for your meal, a perfect bread for any spread, or just a stand-alone yummy treat, this yeast free skillet flatbread is the one for you.
This slow cooker, vegan twist on a Jamaican classic is packed with flavor. Red peas, which we know in the United States as kidney beans, provide a beautiful color and yummy flavor. Kidney beans require a special ki...
Brr! This cold weather has us dreaming of warm places. At UGA SNAP-Ed, we are loving recipes that use the oven to warm us up inside and out. Here are some of our favorites for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even des...
This moist muffin will satisfy all your chocolate and pumpkin cravings. The secret ingredient is canned (or pureed) pumpkin that binds the ingredients together for a tasty, satisfying treat.